Tuesday, September 2, 2014

DOLLAZ SEASON #PrepareForTheFlood Release Date Announced

J.Dollaz plans on releasing the 1st segment of the 3 Series Project #DollazSeason, entitled PREPARE FOR THE FLOOD!!!




Follow J.Dollaz :

Twitter- @TheRealJDollaz
IG- @MrGetMoneyGang


Traphouse Feat. Jess Anastasia

This record was played on Shade 45 Sway In The Morning! DJ Premiere happened to be a guest and quoted that "This is Hip Hop"!


2nd Leak off of DOLLAZ SEASON

2nd leak off the DOLLAZ SEASON project #Blessed

Follow the soundcloud.com/ItsJDollaz channel

J.Dollaz Leaks the Intro Off Of #DollazSeason

J.Dollaz breaks the silence since the successful run of High Off Life and announces he will be releasing a Series of Albums in 3 segments #DollazSeason (Prepare For The Flood/Dreams Are Real and Timeless Music)

Follow the Soundcloud.com/ItsJDollaz Channel for more exclusives!

Thug Cry Freestyle Feat Dre Dolo